Tridonic GmbH & Co KG التطبيقات

4remote 1.29.0
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
Wireless Operation of Tridonic Lighting Systems and IoTApplicationsSimple Lighting Control The 4remote app allows you toadjust thelighting along with all devices integrated into thenet4more systemquickly and conveniently to your personalpreferences. It is theideal modern and wireless control elementfor a smart connectedlighting solution. A smartphone or tablet isused as a remotecontrol or to replace a traditional wall switch.Possibilities rangefrom simple switching on and off of luminairesto dimming andcalling up different light settings. OperatingFunctions - Switchlight on and off - Dim lights - Call uppreferred light settings -Control other devices integrated in thesystem Requirement: This apponly works with the Tridonic net4moresystem solution or DALI-2 (LCRF v2 infrastructure controller).
4commissioning 1.29.0-8868ef46
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
Wireless Commissioning of Tridonic Lighting Systems andIoTApplications Simple Lighting Commissioning The 4commissioningappmakes it extremely simple for users to plan and commissionsimpleTridonic light controls and complex IoT applications.Aftercompleting the central planning process at their desk, whichis asimple and time saving task thanks to its clear structure,theauthorized expert can locate the individual luminaires andotherdevices locally with total ease. This makes both theupstreamproject planning and local commissioning with the app aneasyprocess, regardless of whether the solution covers a singleroom orseveral buildings. Planning Functions - Offsite planning -Graphicdisplay of the rooms and buildings - Save and call upprojects thathave been implemented - Create preferred lightingscenarios andmoods - Define schedules Commissioning Functions -Commission,locate and assign all system components - Recipe forsensors,schedules and switches - Determine groups - Create andallocatepreferred light settings and moods - Save schedulesRequirement:This app only works with the Tridonic net4more systemsolution orDALI-2 (LC RF v2 infrastructure controller).
4service NFC 2.5.0
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
Easy setup of LED driver
4remote BT 3.9.2
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
Control for basicDIM Wireless
sCS Commissioning 1.4.1-B103
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
The sceneCOM S commissioning app has been speciallydevelopedto help make commissioning the sceneCOM S lightingcontrolsystem intuitive. The DALI v2-based, scalable lightingcontrolsystem for small to medium areas of application encompassesa widerange of functions – from simple switching on and offanddimming/brightening to daylight linking – even with TunableWhitelighting – and individual lighting scenarios. Each systemsupportsup to 64 DALI 1 or DALI 2-based LED drivers and 16 inputdevicessuch as sensors or momentary-action switches. A single DALILEDdriver or control device can therefore belong to several groupsandthus various scenes. The app is so intuitive to use,commissioningcan be completed in just four simple steps. Aparticularlypractical feature is Bluetooth, which enables unlimiteduse of theapp even in offline mode. Step 1: Create In the firststep, the newproject is created. The basis for this can be either anew floorplan or a cloned layout. Luminaires are grouped andplanned withcorresponding light scenes. Step 2: Connect andidentify Once thesceneCOM S commissioning app is connected tothesceneCOM S application controller, the system components(e.g.LED drivers, sensors or switches) in the app areautomaticallyaddressed. Easy device identification with the singletouch of thedevice icon or single press of the switch push button.Step 3: PlanUsing drag and drop, system components such asluminaires, sensorsand momentary-action switches can now be placedin the floor planand assigned to the various groups. Step 4:Configure The desiredfunctions can then be defined and assigned.Finally, the projectcan be PIN-protected. Completed projects andtemplates can beshared or copied and pasted to other projects. Anover-the-airupdate ensures that the software is always up to date.
sCS Remote 1.0-B7
Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
Control your Luminaire